先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 金朝 元代 明代 清代 现代 近代


Petal on petal of well-cut fine silk ice-white,
evenly touched with rouge light,
Your fashion new and overflowing charm make shy all fragrant palace maids on high.
How easy 'tis for you to fade!
You cannot beat the cruel wind and shower's raid.
I'm sad to ask the courtyard sad and drear
how many waning springs have haunted here?
My heart is overladen with deep grief.
How could a pair of swallows give relief?
Could they know what I say?
'Neath boundless sky my ancient palace's far away.
Between us countless streams and mountains stand.
Could swallows find my native land?
Could I forget these mountains and these streams?
But I cannot go back except in dreams.
I know that dreams can ever be believed,
but now e'en dreams won't come to me!

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